I'm New to Our Lady of the Cenacle, Queens, NY. Where Do I Start?

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome! 

For nearly 100 years, our parish has opened its doors to many new neighbors from near and far. Together we celebrate our one faith in Jesus, the merciful face of God the Father. Come visit us! Let His face shine on you!

¡Bienvenidos! En el CENÁCULO, durante casi 100 años, hemos abierto nuestras puertas a muchos nuevos vecinos cercanos y lejanos. Juntos celebramos nuestra única fe en Jesús, el rostro misericordioso de Dios Padre. ¡Venga a visitarnos! ¡Deje que Su rostro brille en usted!

Finding Our Lady of the Cenacle

Contact Us Directions Mass Times

Confession Times

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM

Mass Times

Weekdays/En Semana
9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m. (Español)
5:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass-English)

8:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. (English)
10:00 a.m. (Español)

Holy Days/Dias de Precepto
9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. (Bilingual)

Office Hours

MON-FRI/ LUNES-VIERNES: 9:30-2:30, 12-1:00 PM


Register and Get the Best Parish Experience

If you have been attending the parish for a while but have not yet registered, please take a moment to register. This allows us to have your important information kept securely in our database so that we can send you your yearly tax receipts, as well as give you the opportunity to manage your mail and giving preferences.


Mass: What to Expect

The central Catholic act of worship is attending the Mass, or Divine Liturgy. The Mass is divided into two parts: the Liturgy of the Word, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

During the first part, the priest leads us in prayer and songs, praising God, thanking Him, and asking Him for forgiveness. We hear Scripture readings, the priest gives a talk, and then we all pronounce the core principles of our faith. 

In the second part, the priest says the blessing, transforming bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. We all say the "Our Father" prayer, and then receive communion. Finally, there is a closing prayer and final blessing.

Misa: qué esperar

El acto de culto católico central es asistir a la Misa o Divina Liturgia. La Misa se divide en dos partes: la Liturgia de la Palabra y la Liturgia de la Eucaristía.

Durante la primera parte, el sacerdote nos guía en oración y cánticos, alabando a Dios, agradeciéndole y pidiéndole perdón. Escuchamos lecturas de las Escrituras, el sacerdote da una charla y luego todos pronunciamos los principios fundamentales de nuestra fe.

En la segunda parte, el sacerdote dice la bendición, transformando el pan y el vino en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Todos decimos la oración del "Padre Nuestro" y luego recibimos la comunión. Finalmente, hay una oración de clausura y una bendición final.

Why go to mass? Sacraments
2016 Ordination Mass 225
Altar Servers
Those who serve at the altar assist the priest and the sacred administration of his responsibilities during the sacrifice of the Mass. Typically, they are the cross bearer, those who carry the...
Elijah Henderson 197811
We've heard your voice during Mass. Yes, you. Keep doing that beautiful singing that you do--just do it from the choir! Get in touch with our Music Director and join one of our Mass's choirs. Hemos...
Mauro Shared Pictures P Ju Hm6 Fu Mk Unsplash
Cofradía del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
¿Quiénes somos? La Cofradía del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, es un grupo de fieles católicos, de la Parroquia del Cenáculo, cuya devoción fervorosa y fiel  es darle culto al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,...
Retreat Pilgramage Planning Commitee 01 Unsp
El Movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad (MCC) es un movimiento eclesial de difusión mundial que actúa en el seno de la Iglesia católica.  El primer objetivo del MCC es hacer posible que el sujeto...
Christian Liebel Os Er K Dsrd Tc Unsplash
Eucharistic Ministers
It is a sacred thing to administer the Body and Blood of Christ to His Church. The high point of each Mass is the transfiguration of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Eucharistic...
Isabella And Louisa Fischer As Ef6 J0 Lz44 Unsplash Copy
Grupo de Oración (Carismáticos)
La Renovación Carismática Católica en el Espíritu Santo es un camino entre muchos otros con que Dios está realizando un nuevo Pentecostés en su Iglesia.  Es una corriente de gracia suscitada por el...
Holy Fam 5
Lectors are those who proclaim the Word of God at the celebration of the Eucharist and at other liturgical celebrations. We speak about the Word of God as spoken to us not simply 2000 years ago,...
Ushers2 2
Our ushers greet, welcome, and seat parishioners at the start of Mass. You can easily turn your Sunday Mass worship into an act of service by arriving a bit early and giving people a warm smile and...